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Discussion of the current events and Kerry's stance ?
Published on October 7, 2004 By mgosh In Current Events
Current events:
Bombing in Egypt
Israeli offensive in the Gaza strips.
Kerry/Bush debate
Cheney/Edwards debate completed
Political Reports Released

First it seems to me that the recent debates had a real lack of discussion of the situation of Israel. Cheney and Edwards both seemed to mirror each other and echoed the same message. What I would like to see is a more focused discussion of this issue.

What I need from Kerry is for him to assert himself upon the issues at hand. I see him saying a lot of things, but not really taking a firm enough stance with the issues at hand. He's been very good attacking Bush on his stances, but I feel that he has yet to really define himself and what he feels. He tells me that Bush is bad for America and his leadership is leading us the wrong way. Well my question is what will you do? What is your leadership like? Where are you going to take us? This country needs clear and concise leadership qualities. Bush has demonstrated strong leadership. Does Kerry do the same?

on Oct 07, 2004

Hear, hear.

I have to get used to the idea that Kerry may win in a few weeks. That said, I have NO IDEA what this man is going to do when he gets into office. Will he spend all day the first day rescinding everything Bush did? Will he immediately change how Iraq is being handled. Will it be a more subtle change, tweaking what is already there?

The answer to that, I think, divides the people who have already decided they are voting for Kerry. One poll showed that 28% of the people voting for him felt we did the right thing invading Iraq and and that the war was being reasonably handled. That says a lot considering his implications that his tactics would be radically different. If he announced a plan of action that turned off or outright frightened 28% of his voters, this eleciton would be a landslide.

I wonder if Kerry CAN say what he is going to do and still win. His tent is so broad, encompassing so many people of differing opinions, that he is guarenteed to turn someone to Bush when he announces something he is really going to do the moment he has the chance.

on Oct 07, 2004
I agree mGosh~All of the "plans" Kerry has are interesting for not one of those plans has been covered from top to bottom. Each of us out there has "plans" on what we would do holding such a position the bottomline is political bulla ~ crapolla as we all well know no politician will be liked by all for the way they handle issues. This is exactly why Cheney didn't blink when Edwards said Cheney voted against this and that which I found quite amusing only for the votes he chose to mention not that I agree just at the motive in general.

It's so easy after the fact to argue about the original intelligent reports of WMD making a proactive decision and loss of our great soldiers and say it's the wrong war at the wrong time. It's happening and it's going to continue to occur even after all of us are gone with one country or another over religion,oil,land,greed & politics unfortunately. I have strong faith in Peace throughout the world and I pray but I am also realistic if we cannot get along with our families,neighbors and co~workers within our own nation how can we pull all together as Kerry wishes with his "Test"? If this was truly how he feels deep within I doubt such negativity from his campain would be occuring.

If Kerry truly was able to do al of these things we would see it in some form in his resume. A long resume doesn't mean good judgement or does it ? I review the quality /character of that resume.

I also agree with your comments in regard to the israel question it was skimmed over bigtime and that bothered me. I too would like to observe a discussion of what is occuring in Israel.

Have a good evening~!~

~Peace,LoVe,Health & Happiness~ Extended to you
on Oct 08, 2004
I wonder if Kerry CAN say what he is going to do and still win. His tent is so broad, encompassing so many people of differing opinions, that he is guarenteed to turn someone to Bush when he announces something he is really going to do the moment he has the chance.

It's amazing but even after the second debate he still stuck with the same broadness and refused to define himself upon any of the major issues. I am utterly amazed at the lack of depth and definition that Kerry possesses. He reminds me of a block of wood. No definition of character or issues. Just vote for me because I'm slick!