Meaningfull content and discussion of current events welcome. No Trolls allowed.
Published on September 26, 2004 By expertcoder In Current Events
I’d like to discuss a duality of Anti-Semitism, the bashing of a ethnic group’s religious choice and the daily attacks upon Israel. The Jewish people compose of .05% of the world’s population and yet seem to be the focal point of hatred across the world. From the Middle East, to Europe, to America, and beyond there is a central point, the attacks of Anti-Semitism.

The tactics used vary from discussion to discussion from the very subtle debates upon the deionization of Israel’s actions, to the de-legalization of the State of Israel, to the subtle double-standards that other countries in the world hold Israel to. Take the slaughtering that are occurring in Sudan and compare it to Israel’s war with the Palestinians. Israel in the four years of fighting has 3,000 deaths and 15,000 displaced people. In Sudan it’s 30,000 dead and 1.2 million displacements. Yet what does the world talk about? The war in Israel? The actions of Israel “assassinating” terrorist leaders. The apartheid state. The hypocritical reaction of the rest of the world and the quick to denounce the Jewish State from self-defense is evident in the UN.

Look at the local papers and see what articles they are running. Do a search upon the topic of Sudan and then Israel and then read what is written. While the world filibusters upon the atrocities in Sudan, they quickly condemn Israel’s right to self-defense. As if they would do nothing if this was occurring in their own countries, would France and Germany be so quick to lash out against Israel’s actions if they were suffering from the same amount and frequency of terrorism. I would say yes for it is an issue of anti-Israeli and anti-Semitism sentiment. The very existence of a Jewish state is an attack upon

Considering the history of Israel when time and time again peace was offered to the Arabs and time and time again they attacked Israel attempting to wipe the Jewish people to The Red Sea. This cannot continue to go in silence, their actions of attacking the Israeli people and the Jewish people at large is the same. That’s right their same sentiment of saying, we are merely criticizing Israeli’s actions. We do not have to agree with all the actions that Israel is taking. However we do have to think at what point does disagreement turn into hypocoristic, ignorance, or outright hatred disguised as legitimate debate.

You can check out the online website and do a search of those countries major newspapers and see what your results are.

on Sep 26, 2004
Thank~you very much for the enlightenment you have extended in this article. Unfortunately ignorance/prejudice to these issues continue to florish due to the media as your article states. Unless true interest in these tradegies that are occuring daily are voiced. I ask anyone who takes the time to reply to this article to do whatever they can to stop this prejudice. This can be as simple as voicing your opinion when ignorant statements are made in your presence to teaching your children to appreciate all regardless of their religious beliefs. If you have the time and are truly passionate about stopping this behavior and are living within a community that this florishes write your congress person. Action ~ Voice are important small streams flow together into large bodies of water each of us can do our part.

Have a beautiful day~!~

~Peace,Love,Health & Happiness~ Extended to each of you
on Sep 26, 2004
And so it ever was......

I wonder if you have ever seen my article on anti-Semitism in the times of Early Christianity? See

From the earliest times, anti-Semiticism has received far more negative attention than reason or history would dictate. Today, this hatred and resentment extends to Israel. When Palestinians literally played football with the head of an Israeli soldier (see people actually defended the Palestinians, saying that his team had not right to go after a bomb factory. Inexplicable.

And the worst part is that it does not seem to be getting any better.
on Sep 26, 2004
Very well written. It's sad that the world ignores the genocide in Sudan, and reacts to the 'genocide' in Palestine. No country in the world faces what Israel faces daily and they have the audacity to critisizes elf-defesne measures taken with the utmost care for human loss of life. Because of these riduculous doube-stnadards Israel has to fight terror with a hand tied behind it's back, while looking over it's shoulder.

The best example, for me, of the terrible international sentiment towards Israel is in the UN resolution that was not passed that condemed the attacks on Israeli children. This was after a resolution WAS passed a day before that protected Palestinian children from violence. Appartnly, Arab lives are more opmortant than Israeli lives.
on Sep 26, 2004
Larry Kuperman your comment is excellent and right on target. You talk about the history of Anti-Semitism for it's definitely not a new issue with the Jewish People. You are again correct about the desecration of the bodies. It is amazing that they would throw a fit about idea of the U.S. fighting during their holy Ramadan but it's ok for them to behead hostages and to keep their heads as trophies.

Bzjaffe Excellent example of the double-standards that is applied to Israel. If Israel fought just like the Islamic Jihad or Hamas for one week there would be no Palestinian uprising anymore. Israel is forced to fight with one hand behind its back while the terrorist dogs use every tactic under the sun.
on Sep 12, 2005
When a culture is failing or has failed, when a nation lost its pride, whenever something bad happens that is within a people's control but that they would rather have without their control, the blame falls on others.

A failed culture will blame the rest of the world, but never itself. And the easiest target are minorities. Gypsies and Jews are ominipresent minorities and are thus always among the first targets. (Jews have a better lobby, so their suffering is better known.)

Great nations do not fear or hate Jews. But failed cultures do. It's an escape from reality.
on Sep 12, 2005
Israel is the only country I will never support acting against. Not because I believe Jews to be morally superior or to be anything other than they are, fallable human beings. But because they are the chosen people of God. My Master's people, and His own race. For no other reason than that (though there are many) I will never support any persecution or action taken against the nation of Israel.

on Sep 12, 2005
One more thing. I don't think Anti-semitism is on the rise. I don't think it ever left. The shock of WW II and the atrocities committed are starting to wear off. Now it's getting back to the "norm" of treating Jews like junk.

I always find it ironic how in World History when countries "expel" the Jews, they keep their wealth! And since history is written by the winners, WHY do historians continually log the poor treatment of the Jews by other nations including their own?

Makes me wonder if those records are being kept for a more supernatural reason.

Just a thought.

on Sep 12, 2005
Lil_Whip Please read the article before making a comment it has nothing to do with JEsus being a Jew nor does her comment.

Wonderful artcle Sweetie I appreciate you sharing your opinions and philosophies with the world you are brillant~!~

~Peace,Love,Health & Happiness~

on Sep 12, 2005
Actually Jesus was a Jew... he was there to fulfill the prophesies promised to the Jewish people. He never considered himself anything but a Jew... Christians are those who broke away from the core Jewish faith by believing that Christ was the messiah promised in the Torah. The bulk of Jews did not accept this view. Thus Christianity started as a sect of Judaism, later growing into a separate religion.

Christ was supposedly the continuation of Judaism, the next step in the process. In that way, those who do accept Christ could more accurately consider themselves True Jews, as they think they took the next step down God's path, leaving those who did not accept Christ to be Old Jews (or something like that). Early Christians such as the apostles all considered themselves Jews as well... it wasn't for several generations that you actually had fully separate Christians. Up to that point they were a sect or a cult.
on Sep 12, 2005
Jesus WAS a Jew. He participated in the Temple, and all Jewish holy days, he was referred to as RABBI by his disciples and other people of that faith, the last supper was the PASSOVER meal.....a JEWISH feast.

Being a Christian by definition means you are accepting and following Jesus Christ as THE MESSIAH...WHO IS JEWISH...THE WORD IS HEBREW.....

The term Christian came about many years after Christ's assention in Antioch when the non-followers coined the phrase to give His followers a name. And it wasn't a nice reference when they coined it, but Christians adopted it and wa-la here it is.

on Sep 12, 2005
I don't mean to say Christ assended in Antioch, shoulda put a break there.........I mean the name was created there. It was an affluent shipping town with lots of diff faiths but Jesus followers didn't have one........
on Sep 12, 2005
Jesus was not a Jew, he was the first Christian.

Off topic but I'll go with it to educate. Jesus was born a Jew, he lived a Jew and he died a Jew. Jesus never renounced his faith or his religion. Second to be a Christian means to follow Christ, how can Jeses be a Christian? He is not able to follow himself and he certainly wouldn't go about saying prayers to himself.

That is a true cause of Anti-Semitism to use the Jewish people as a scapegoat for your own problems. As for closetograd, I agree totally how it never left. It's always in the background looming and waiting to rise up and strike again. That is why I advocate being assertive about it, if someone is being anti-semetic let them know how they are wrong in their actions, let people know it will not be tollerated.

I wonder too why the records are kept.
on Sep 12, 2005

Jesus was not a Jew, he was the first Christian.

Jesus was a Jew.  He did not set out to create a new religion, he thought he ws the fulfillment of Judaism, and that is why for the first 3 centuries, Jews and what later to be known as Christians, worshipped together.