I’d like to discuss a duality of Anti-Semitism, the bashing of a ethnic group’s religious choice and the daily attacks upon Israel. The Jewish people compose of .05% of the world’s population and yet seem to be the focal point of hatred across the world. From the Middle East, to Europe, to America, and beyond there is a central point, the attacks of Anti-Semitism.
The tactics used vary from discussion to discussion from the very subtle debates upon the deionization of Israel’s actions, to the de-legalization of the State of Israel, to the subtle double-standards that other countries in the world hold Israel to. Take the slaughtering that are occurring in Sudan and compare it to Israel’s war with the Palestinians. Israel in the four years of fighting has 3,000 deaths and 15,000 displaced people. In Sudan it’s 30,000 dead and 1.2 million displacements. Yet what does the world talk about? The war in Israel? The actions of Israel “assassinating” terrorist leaders. The apartheid state. The hypocritical reaction of the rest of the world and the quick to denounce the Jewish State from self-defense is evident in the UN.
Look at the local papers and see what articles they are running. Do a search upon the topic of Sudan and then Israel and then read what is written. While the world filibusters upon the atrocities in Sudan, they quickly condemn Israel’s right to self-defense. As if they would do nothing if this was occurring in their own countries, would France and Germany be so quick to lash out against Israel’s actions if they were suffering from the same amount and frequency of terrorism. I would say yes for it is an issue of anti-Israeli and anti-Semitism sentiment. The very existence of a Jewish state is an attack upon
Considering the history of Israel when time and time again peace was offered to the Arabs and time and time again they attacked Israel attempting to wipe the Jewish people to The Red Sea. This cannot continue to go in silence, their actions of attacking the Israeli people and the Jewish people at large is the same. That’s right their same sentiment of saying, we are merely criticizing Israeli’s actions. We do not have to agree with all the actions that Israel is taking. However we do have to think at what point does disagreement turn into hypocoristic, ignorance, or outright hatred disguised as legitimate debate.
You can check out the online website and do a search of those countries major newspapers and see what your results are.