First let’s talk about the history of the situation. We have an established country Israel. Next we have an elected leader of a people the Palistian, whom are firing upon Israeli cities. Why? Because they hate Israel and wish to wipe out the country. Next thing they do is kidnap a solider and keep him hostage until Israel releases 1,500 prisoners. For one solider, Israel should release 1,500 people. Right. Israel should negotiate with these people whom are dedicated to your destruction. Who will not listen to past agreements that their people have signed, whom fired over a thousand rockets into your cities, and carried dozens of bloody mass murders in the name of their cause. Their doctrine clearly states the destruction of Israel and the establishment of a Muslim country in its stead. Never mind the millions of Jews that live there, their plan is to drive them to the Dead Sea (and drown them).
Now we have Hezbollah kidnapping two Israeli soldiers and they too are bombing Israeli cities. What is Israel to do now? To write Lebanon a post card telling them you’re bombing our cities please stop. To plead with Hezbollah to please stop. There is no room for negotiation with them. Just like Hamas their goal is the elimination of Israel.
Now Israel fights back and people are saying they are bombing civilians they are evil and rotten. Israel has the right and the duty to protect itself from harm. Why don’t you tell Hezbollah and Hamas to stop firing rockets upon Israeli cities? Why don’t you tell them to release their kidnapped soldiers? Why does Israel have to surrender to terrorists? Why is it that they are not allowed the right to exist in peace?
Israel didn’t start this fight, they didn’t begin this war, but Israel will end it once and for all.