Meaningfull content and discussion of current events welcome. No Trolls allowed.
Published on October 14, 2004 By mgosh In Gaming
Using Bush/Cheney Kerry/Edwards with current poll information after the debates, both of them set to Mascohistic level (the hardest/smartest) which one would win? I wish there was an option to let two computer players play it out and see the victor.
on Oct 15, 2004
That would be interesting mgosh. Maybe if we are really really nice and not harass Brad about it he will offer this option in the game......Brad...Brad Did you hear that???? Come on Please ...Please....with sugar on top can this be an option????

Have a good Day @ work mgosh ~!~

~Peace,LoVe,Health & Happiness~Extended to you Sweetie

on Oct 15, 2004
Thank you Brad for listening!!!